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Welcome to Class 1

Welcome to Class 1 

Reception, Y1 & Y2

In Design and Technology Class 1 learnt about different kite designs. They made ‘carp’ and ‘diamond’ kites and had good fun testing them.

Class 1 on their learning adventure at Martin Mere

Yesterday, Class 1 visited the Liverpool World Museum. They used their scientific research skills to find out about dinosaurs, mammals, insects, fish and amphibians. There were also opportunities to look at History reading Timelines and to use our Geography skills looking at Compass Points and routes on a map.

Children from Class 1 enjoyed a Christmas treat spending the morning at the Little Forest in Mawdesley. Lots of fun in the outdoors, toast, roasted marshmallows and hot chocolate all made for a lovely time. Once again, our children were complimented on their behavior and manners. Thank you to our kind benefactor for donating this fun session.

A fantastic day at Imagine That. So much learning and the children were highly praised for their behaviour and manners when interacting with other schools. Well done everyone!

Today in assembly, we celebrated our Y2 children. They recently entered the Young Writers Competition to write an acrostic poem on the theme of ‘This is Me!’ They thought of a word that described themselves and created their own poems. • Creative • Expressive • Friendly They were thrilled to hear today that their writing has impressed the judges so much that they will have their work published in the book ‘This is Me! Acrostics – A Collection of Poetry’ by the end of the year. Congratulations!

Class 1 had a fabulous day at Dot’s Farm. We enjoyed lots of ‘hands on activities’ in the glorious countryside.

Last term, Class 1 were looking at past and present technologies across the topics of ‘What is Technology?’, ‘Communication’, ‘Laundry’ and ‘Toys’. In each lesson, children experienced how things worked some years ago. They couldn’t believe a time before computers were readily available or how hard ‘Wash Day’ was. However, they were still able to appreciate playing with toys from yesteryear.

Class 1 have been learning about the life of Florence Nightingale. They understand that she was one of the most famous women in British history. Her work in the Crimea set the standards for modern nursing. For the rest of her life, she continued to campaign for improved sanitary conditions in both military and civilian hospitals. The children have looked at the changes through the years and enjoyed comparing modern day nursing to those of times gone by.

This week, 10th - 19th March, is National Science week and to celebrate Class 1 joined a live lesson, from the National Farmers Union, called 'How Are Tractors Connected to Space?' During the broadcast the children submitted their answers to questions, took part in some votes and did the actions of the farm machines they saw. Prior to the broadcast, the children did some work with Mrs Meldrum and if you watch the link until near the end you will see that we became celebrities when one of our children asked a question on behalf of Class 1. We also appear in the credits for the broadcast.

Class 1 have been learning about Continents and Oceans. Each week we have visited a different location, found it on the map and learned something about the Continent and countries within it. The children have learned how to use an atlas, the difference between human and physical features as well as much more. Our first lesson was to compare the size of the villages where we live to these larger areas. We have had fun tasting food from France, looking at culture, music, dance and art. We even went on an African Safari. The children were interested to see where James, the child who we support through the Compassion programme, lives and the conditions that some parts of the world live in. In Australasia, we learned about the Barrier Reef and explored ways we can help our world, such as by recycling and saving energy. In Antarctica, we tried on a blubber glove to understand how animals keep warm in the freezing conditions. For North America, we visited Hollywood and made our own film about the continent. You can view this in the video section on our website.

Y2 enjoyed a visit from Chorley Fire Service today. They followed Smokey’s Fire Plan: Checking door handles, with the back of their hand, to see if it was safe to exit a room. Crawling along the floor to escape, where the air is likely to be clearer. Calling for help. They understand why it is important to keep floor areas of rooms tidy so they can escape safely if they need to and to allow fire fighters to enter safely. They have gone home to discuss their learning with their family and together prepare their own fire plan.

Class 1 have enjoyed a morning of Forest School fun this week. They took part in a range of activities including: picture frame making, building bug hotels, constructing dens, colour matching, reading and, best of all, creating MUD!!

This term Class 1 have been doing a study of the Caribbean and Scottish Islands. To begin, we did some orienteering to help us use maps to locate the islands. We found out about landforms and how islands can be made such as continents colliding, volcanic eruption and flooding. We researched geographical similarities and differences, seasonal weather patterns and the most popular industries. Tourism is a large source of income in both places. Harris is famous for textiles, Harris Tweed and production of whiskey, whereas, the Caribbean grows bananas, sugar, coffee and cotton. Today we looked at culture. Slavery introduced the Caribbean to different music styles and food. Today, we have used Scottish Oats to make Flapjack, made Jerk Chicken and Banana Fritters enjoyed with fruit juice cocktails, decorated with handmade decorative umbrellas. The children listened to Scottish music, danced and got to have a go playing an accordion. We sang along to some reggae music and understand that many of the words tell the story of slaves and others who suffered social injustice. We have incorporated art and design in to our lessons by reproducing the symbol for Scotland, designing a symbol for the Caribbean and making a bracelet. Our day ended with the school band playing Yellow Bird for us while we did some food tasting. Over the weeks, we have been recording our findings and putting together dioramas to demonstrate what we have learned. The children were invited to come today in Caribbean style clothes, they all looked fantastic and had made such an effort, especially the ‘dreadlocks’.

Well done to our Reception and Year 1 children who took part in two Bikeability Balance sessions. Through fun games on balance bikes (bikes without pedals ) the children developed their handling and awareness and the basic balance and co‐ordination skills they will need to learn to ride a bike. With trained instructors from Chorley Sports Partnership Active Travel / Bikeability Team working alongside school staff, the sessions focused on developing balance, rather than the ability to pedal. This will help these children make the transition to using a bike with pedals and also develop gross motor skills and improve early years fitness.

Class 1 enjoyed an afternoon of orienteering last week. They used compass points, directional language and read a ‘map’ to complete a series of challenges.

Class 1 have watched videos, sang songs, engaged in role-play and drama activities and played games to learn about events during The Great Fire of London. They know that through the diary of Samuel Pepys we know about what happened over the four days. The houses were built very close to each other with upper storeys overhanging. Houses made from wattle and daub with thatched roofs caught fire easily and the fire spread quickly in the breeze at the end of a very hot and dry summer. Leather buckets were used to transport water from the River Thames but fire squirters were not powerful enough put out the flames, Charles II agreed that fire hooks should be used to pull down houses to create fire breaks but this didn’t have as much effect as hoped and so explosives were then used clear larger areas. London was re-built using more substantial materials such as brick and stone. Houses were built further apart and the roads made wider. Thatched roofs were banned in London and that is true even today. The Fire service was updated with more advanced training and equipment. Insurance was also introduced. As a learning assessment, we enjoyed playing ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’

A fantastic trip out today to The Little Lancashire Village

Learning about different weather types around the world.

In Science we looked at the size of our bones compared to those of dinosaurs. we drew life size dinosaurs on the playground using our measuring skills.

Class One enjoyed a day out at the farm. All the children explored the work involved in running a farm; looking after the horses and dairy cows, the machinery used and how a dairy produces the milk. Huge thanks to Miss Gorst and her family for hosting us so well.

Recognising symbols on an Ordnance Survey Map

Understanding and Using Compass Directions

Reception did so well this afternoon, predicting and observing reversible and irreversible changes.

Years 1 and 2 have been ‘Working Scientifically’ to find out about living things. They used the enquiry approach of research to answer questions about food chains. They identified, grouped and classified animals and their habitats. The children worked together, producing a diorama to demonstrate their learning.

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from Monday 10 May to Sunday 16 May 2021. Since school re-opened Class 1 have been taking part in a weekly ‘mindfulness’ session. This week we explored managing our emotions, helping the children to build emotional intelligence by developing emotion regulation skills.

Today the children had a letter from The Emperor, he was very embarrassed about going out without his clothes and so he asked the children what he should be wearing for each season. Everyone was able to recognise and talk about differences in the seasons regarding the weather, plants and animals. They were also able to help him to sort out his wardrobe.

Reception have been learning about where our vegetables come from, how to grow them and what they need to keep them healthy. They are going to look after them and hopefully will have a super harvest later in the year.

Reception have been investigating what Humpty Dumpty could have done to prevent his shell from breaking when he fell off the wall. We looked at different insulators and how reducing the speed of the fall could have helped him. The children enjoyed experimenting with different materials, predicting what would and wouldn’t work.

Thank you to everyone who helped with The Hoity Toity Angel, performed by Class 1. Our Nativity this year felt very different without an audience but the children performed beautifully, we are all so proud of them.

Yesterday Class 1 enjoyed baking Christmas Gingerbread and decorated them today ready to take home. Home time can't come quick enough so they can taste them!

Reception enjoyed looking for signs of autumn yesterday as well as enjoying their first time in our forest area.

Understanding how to keep ourselves safe

Enjoying our maths

Learning about where our food comes from

In Forest school Class 1 learnt all about birds this week as it was RSPB’s Big Bird Watch on 25th – 27th January They made apple bird feeders

Class 1 had a fantastic visit to Crankshaw Fold Farm last week. The many activities included feeding chickens, then collecting, grading and boxing the eggs. The children fed the goats; helped tag the sheep as well as helping the farmer Dot collect samples. They enjoyed all the fresh air and exercise, including the walk up the BIG hill. #smallschoolBIGopportunities

Class 1 have been learning about road safety this half term. Today we practiced all we had learned.

Class 1 had a fantastic learning experience at Greenlands Farm. As soon as we arrived the children had lots of hands on experience including: lamb feeding, cow walking, goat petting, handling guinea pigs, rabbits and ferrets (some even hid in the children's hoods!), pigs, owls and peacocks, mice, cockroaches and snakes! Lunch was eaten in the Playbarn followed by some time to play. Finally the children had a last cuddle with the guinea pigs. All the children's behaviour was wonderful and it was a pleasure to see their excitement and interest in the animals.

Class 1 enjoying learning about the Great Fire of London. We looked at what the houses were made of, how the fire spread, how it was put out and changes in how the city was rebuilt.

Enjoying our Forest School Programme

The children in Class 1 have been looking at the topic of belonging and how this relates to the sacrament of Baptism.

Having fun learning about Capacity
