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Welcome to Class 3

Year 5 & 6

All that recent coaching must have paid off... Congratulations to our Yr5/6 team who came second in the Primary Schools Cricket Tournament at Mawdesley Cricket Club - a positive attitude, great team work and determination allowed for a challenging but fun morning of cricket. We are very proud of you all. #Defend your wicket ๐Ÿ# Positive Pants ๐Ÿ˜Š# Hit it for 6

On Thursday and Friday, Class 3 took part in Bike Ability. Children spent Thursday morning learning how to do safety checks on their bikes, the Highway Code and practiced riding their bikes with control around the playground. In the afternoon, children went out onto the roads where they learnt about road positioning and how to overtake a parked car. On the Friday, children continued practicing these skills and progressed further to learning about what to do at junctions, how to signal and how to stay safe.

PGL Adventures!

In their Design and technology lessons, Class 3 designed and baked Gingerbread Houses. Donโ€™t they look amazing?

Congratulations to our Year 5/6 team who won tonightโ€™s Primary School SPaG challenge hosted by Tarleton Academy ๐Ÿฅ‡Well done we are very proud of you.

Fantastic day at Rock and River today. The rumbling thunder and rain showers didnโ€™t dampen our spirits as Class 3 challenged themselves to be the best they could at all the adventurous activities on offer. A huge thank you to the Rock and River staff who made our day with their enthusiasm and encouragement.

Today we had our Y6 Leaverโ€™s Assembly. It was lovely to hear their memories as they shared with us some special times here as a school family. We wish them all the very best for the future.

Welcome to Class 3


Congratulations to our Year 6 children who came 1st at the Leyland St. Maryโ€™s High School Maths Challenge. We are very proud of you!

During their Design and Technology lessons last half term, the children in Class 3 explored African Instruments. They thought about the different designs and techniques they could use before producing these amazing musical instruments.

On Wednesday Class 3 attended a Shakespeare Event at Gawthorpe Hall. Costumed presenters invited the children to experience: โ€ข piecing together a timeline of Shakespeare's life and questioning what is really known about him. โ€ข the challenge of 'blackwork' - the most fashionable needlecraft of the time. โ€ข playing 'tennis' with Shakespearean words and scripts. โ€ข learning the etiquette of the sword with the armaments of the day. These activities allowed the children an excellent foundation for our work in the Summer Term on Shakespeare and his play MacBeth.

On Thursday 16th March, for National Science Week, class 3 watched a live lesson about the properties of wool. Children followed the process of how wool is made from sheering the sheep to spinning the wool into yarn. They then looked at the uses of wool and learnt how it is used in space and how wool rope is being used to help build a new kelp forest on the east coast. Children were all amazed at the different uses of wool and how itโ€™s not just used for woolly jumpers!

Today, Chorley Fire Service visited Class 3.

We learnt about fire safety at home including keeping doors closed over night, regularly testing fire/smoke alarms and when to charge electrical devices as well as where to put them to prevent a fire.

We then looked at road safety including wearing headphones and using mobile phones when walking along the road, wearing bright colours in the dark and crossing safely using zebra crossings.

On Wednesday, we were extremely proud of those children, who after completing their Level 2 Bikeability, took to the roads of Mawdesley on a class bike ride. On a route that covered many of the country lanes of Mawdesley such as: Salt Pit Lane, Sandy Lane, School Lane, Back Lane East, they cycled 11Km in the June sunshine. We would also like to thank The Chorley School Sports Partnership - Active Travel / Bikeability Team who looked after us and made our cycling adventure a day to remember.

Well done to our rounders team, who took part in the Local Cluster Schools Rounders Tournament. They displayed great sportsmanship and showed a huge improvement in their fielding and striking skills. We are very proud of you.

Well done to our children from Class 3, who entered the Bishop Rawstorne Primary School Maths Challenge. Although not winners on the night, they worked as a team to answer some tricky reasoning questions and took part in the mathematical relay with enthusiasm.

On Tuesday, 4 pupils from class 3 (Lemmy, Nathan, Maisy and Poppy) took part in a Spelling Bee at Tarleton High School. This didn't just involve spelling, it was also grammar, punctuation and word definitions. The team did really well and came 4th in the competition which was out of 15 schools in total. Well done!

Last week, a Victorian prison warden (from the National Justice Museum) taught us about crime and punishment during the Victorian times. We looked at what life in prison would have been like, the types of punishments criminals might have been given and the types of crimes that occurred during that time.'

In our textiles topic in art, we looked at work by the Australian artist Tammy Kanat and had a go at doing some weaving of our own to create a whole class piece of art.

We looked at the artist Cezanne and his landscapes. We then went into the woods and experimented with different mediums to draw the landscapes we could see.

Class 3 have enjoyed a fantastic three days at Winmarleigh Hall Activity Centre. They have shown courage, perseverance and cooperation whilst participating and challenging themselves on the many activitiesโ€™ including Jacobโ€™s Ladder, Buggy Building and the Giant Swing. We hope you enjoy the action shots that show how much they had. Many thanks to all the staff at PGL who have looked after us so well during our visit.

Design & Technology Class 3 started this project by investigating clothes and how they were made. Next, we looked at types of stitches including back stitch, basting stitch and straight stitch. We had to master a number of skills such as threading a needle and tying a knot. We went on to designing our bags with decorations. After making a paper prototype, we chose and measured out the fabric, pinned pieces together, marked the hems and completed the sewing and decorations. The children enjoyed and learned many skills through the process and were thrilled with their finished product.

On Thursday 4th November, to end our topic about the Ancient Egyptians, we went on a school trip to the Liverpool World Museum. We explored the different areas of the exhibition and as well as consolidating our own knowledge, learnt even more about the Ancient Egyptians. We then visited the โ€˜Mummy Roomโ€™ where we saw real mummies and looked at the process of mummification in more detail. We also looked at the different animals which were mummified as well as people. Everyone had a fantastic day and all of the children loved the experience... especially the gift shop at the end! J

Last week, in the late autumn sunshine Class 3 took part in Chorley Sportโ€™s Partnership Bikeability Scheme. On Day 1 they completed Level 1 and on Day 2 took part in Level 2 maneuvers, such as passing a parked car, signaling to turn left and right and understanding primary and secondary positions when in the road. All children thoroughly the experience and learned valuable life skills.

We just canโ€™t keep up with the fun this week. Class 3 have filled their Silver Fundraising Jar twice! The prize was a Super Soaker!

On Tuesday, in the glorious June sunshine, Class 3 visited Rock and River. It was a wonderful day of โ€˜Outdoor, Action and Adventureโ€™. Our activities included Canoeing, Paddle Boarding, Rock Climbing, Low Ropes Obstacle and the Leg-Shaking Air Bag Jump. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day learning new skills and boosting their own confidence. Thank you to the staff at Rock and River who provided a stimulating environment and encouraged everyone to be the best they could.

Computing - Understanding Binary Code

Usually at this time of year we enter the Southport Flower Show -  'design a school garden competition', unfortunately due social distancing measures this event will not take place this year. However, with so many of us enjoying our gardens at home, Class 3 have taken up the challenge to design their own 'Lockdown Garden' which would bring pleasure to all age groups.  

Lockdown Gardens

As part of our work on World War II the children in Class 3 have been asked to make a wartime recipe whilst they are learning at home.

See below for some of their efforts and family comments so far.

World War II Recipes

War World II Recipes

How we commemorated the 75th anniversary of VE Day

Today Class 3 took part in the Heartstart Programme led by our South Ribble Sports Coach. The children learnt: โ€ข How to open an airway โ€ข How to put a person in the recovery position โ€ข DRS ABC (danger, response, shout, airway, breathing and CPR) โ€ข How to treat a person with a bleed โ€ข How to help someone who is choking โ€ข How to administer CPR They thoroughly enjoyed learning these important life skills.

As part of our work, Class 3 held a whole school debate on the question: Is it necessary to give Primary School children homework? Reasons for the Proposition included: โ€ข Homework stops children from spending too long watching a blue screen. โ€ข Homework allows children to retain what they have learnt in school. โ€ข Homework can develop imaginations and creative skills. Reasons for Opposition included: โ€ข Children spend enough hours (30+ per week) at school. โ€ข Childrenโ€™s well-being is affected by the pressure of homework. โ€ข Homework impacts on family time. Once all the points had been debated the voting was very close. It was 30 โ€“ 29 in favour of homework.

In Forest School this week Class 3 learnt about mixing solutions, freezing and melting. They are going to see what happens to a cup full of pretty woodland things covered in water when it is frozen.

Today Class 3 were joined by PCSO Maria Featherstone who taught us the importance of being safe on the internet. We learnt: โ€ข That we must never give out personal information online โ€ข To block or delete cyber bullies who are sending mean messages or images โ€ข To be a cyber-defender by taking a screen shot of the evidence and reporting the bullies โ€ข To ensure our parents have the set the correct privacy settings on our electronic devices โ€ข Useful information can be found at

Great teamwork yesterday as Class 3, enthusiastically, had a go at making their own animation films. The results were fantastic!

Tag Rugby

Today Class 3 were given the opportunity to learn basic bike maintenance in a โ€˜Bikeability Fixโ€™ session led by South Ribble Sports Coaches. The children learnt how to: โ€ข Use basic maintenance tools (allen key, spanner, pump and repair kit) โ€ข Remove and re-fit a front wheel โ€ข Remove an inner tube โ€ข Locate and patch a puncture โ€ข Fit an inner tube and tyre โ€ข Inflate a tyre to the correct pressure โ€ข Adjust brakes using a barrel adjuster โ€ข Raise and the lower the seat post and ensure the saddle is straight

This week Class 3 visited Bishop Rawstorne Secondary School to meet author Tom Palmer. They enjoyed a quiz and a penalty shoot-out before they got an opportunity to purchase one of his books and have it personally autographed by him.

Children in Class 3 took part in an emergency fundraiser during their ‘Strength and Endurance’ swimming lesson this week.

Phoebe who attends a local school, has been diagnosed with a Stage 4 brain tumour and is need of a wheelchair to make her life more comfortable.

Thank you for all your donations to this worthwhile cause.

Bikeability Level 2 โ€“ Day 4 The final day of Bikeabilty saw Class 3 turning right into a side road and practicing all other skills learnt. Congratulations โ€“ everyone who completed the course passed. Well done!

Bikeability Day 3 (Level 2 continued) Today we learnt to: โ€ข Perform a bike check before starting our skills. A โ€“ Air B โ€“ Brakes C โ€“ Chain D โ€“ Drop โ€ข Pass a side road โ€ข Turn left in to a minor road โ€ข Turn left in to a major road

Today on our first day of Level 2 Bikeability, Class 3 learnt about: โ€ข Primary and Secondary positioning in the road โ€ข Passing a parked vehicle โ€ข Making a u Turn We are looking forward to tomorrow, learning more skills and hoping we have good weather.

24th September 2019 Bikeability Level 1. Today Class 3 braved the rain to take part in Bikeability Level 1. They learnt to: โ€ข Carry out the M check (Bike Safety check)before cycling โ€ข Make checks to safely move from the pavement on to the road โ€ข Keep control of a bike by weaving in and out of cones โ€ข Make over the shoulder checks and be able to signal and stop safely โ€ข Perform an emergency stop By the end of the 2-hour course everyone had passed. Well done!

Year 5 working on an advertising campaign for liquid soap during their English lesson.

Budding architects using a Computer Aided Design Package

The Big Debate!

Class 3 enjoying their topic of Ancient Britain by making pots in the style of the Beaker people, although they used clay instead of copper!

Class 3 Remembrance Plaques Remembering those who gave their lives for us.

Celebrating European Day of Languages Today Class 3 enjoyed a visit from Madam Ward (Head of Modern Foreign Languages at Leyland St Maryโ€™s High School, Leyland). The focus was to look at the importance of learning a foreign language and how it develops our British Values of tolerance, respect and understanding. The children really enjoyed speaking, reading and writing French and making a model of the Eiffel Tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows. Thank you Madam Ward what a great start to a Tuesday.
